View Your Project On Desktop, Tablet, And Mobile

No more scrambling around looking for your iPad or borrow your friend’s Android device when using Punchlist. We allow you to toggle between desktop, tablet, and mobile renderings of your website.

When you’re in the Items tab of the project sidebar, you’ll see three icons at the top – a phone, a tablet, and a computer. (Reminder: This feature is only available for web projects, so if you don’t see the icons, you may be in an image or PDF project.)

As you click through the icons, the rendering of your project on the left will change. These renderings are calculated using average mobile, tablet, and desktop screen sizes. For mobile, we display the site at 480px wide and for tablet, we display the site at 768px wide. If you have custom mobile styling on your site it will not be reflected in Punchlist.

The feedback you leave on each rendering is kept separate by device, making it easy to see which screen sizes need your attention. A number will appear by the icon indicating how many pieces of feedback have been left for each device.