Adding Comments To A Project In Punchlist

Punchlist allows you to provide feedback on images, PDFs, and even live websites. We’ve made it as simple as possible to add feedback.

A Punchlist user leaving a comment on the Resonant Pixel website. The comment says "Can we change the font here?"
  1. While viewing your project, click the pink “Add Feedback” button at the top of the screen, or use the keyboard shortcut option (Ctrl+Alt+N for Windows or Opt+N for Mac).
  2. Press to place the pink marker near the item you would like to add feedback. 
  3. Type your feedback in the comment box. We support rich-text formatting and offer options to bold, italicize, strikethrough, or underline text. You may also create a bulleted or numbered list, add a hyperlink, @-mention team members, or Attach Files to Comments
  4. If you are a member of a work space, switch the visibility of your comment by clicking the “Everyone” toggle button to “Team Only”
  5. Click Submit.