How To Use Project Submission Page

Your Project Submission Page allows you to receive projects from anyone — whether or not they have a Punchlist account. Anyone can submit a website, image, or PDF directly to you for feedback or approval.

Set Up Your Submission Page

  1. From the Dashboard, click on your workspace name on the right side at the top.
  2. Under Manage Workspaces, click the "Workspace Settings" button.
  3. In the Workspace Settings tab, customize your Submission page.
  4. The Submissions Page will display your Workspace name and logo (as long as Enable Photo toggle is on). Make sure these match your company branding to ensure easy recognition.
  5. You can use the Slug that has been auto-generated or you may change it.
  6. Write a brief description about your workspace in the "About" section. The “About” description will be displayed on the Submission Page (that's the only place this information is displayed currently). 
  7. Click Save.
  8. Copy the URL link below the slug and distribute to your team for Submission Page access.

Accepting a Project

When someone submits a project, you will need to accept the project before it is created. You can do this under your ‘Submissions’ tab on your project dashboard.

Submitting a Project

You must have a person’s unique Project Submission link in order to submit projects for their review.


Who can create a Project Submission Page?

Submission pages are only available for account owners or managers. If you are a part of an organization, this is either the primary account holder or a paid seat.

If you have a free account not connected to a team, you are the account owner. This means you can create a project submission page for yourself.