This is a “maintenance” release, chock full of bug fixes and UI improvements. We’re polishing up the Punchlist app, making sure it provides the smoothest experience for your clients and teammates to collaborate and manage projects together.
- Folder selection on Project Creation screen no longer blocks the user interface. Generally, we’ve made it easier to organize your Projects into Folders within Punchlist, especially for those of you who are juggling a million balls in the air at once.
- Fixed an issue caused by improperly attempting to contact a Chrome extension when not installed.
- Fixed an issue which caused an error state when following Project Invite Links repeatedly – so you can quickly get back to the work you were doing, especially on those longer-term timelines.
- Fixed an issue that caused new pages to open in a separate window when links had a property of `blank` instead of `_blank`. This bug was encountered by several larger Team customers who use Punchlist for reviewing live websites containing external links. Now you can keep everything within your Punchlist Project, without link issues.
- Fixed an issue that caused an error when retrieving Item Assignments for certain Projects.
- Fixed an issue that caused an error condition when attempting to retrieve the Folder List for a Guest user (not logged in) via Submission pages and Product Hunt landing page.
- Updated copyright dates and some other little details in all Punchlist email communications, which you probably weren’t worried about anyway since it’s in the footer