Case Study

Home Design Studio Cuts Project Timelines by 6 Weeks With Punchlist

Construction & Design
How we used Punchlist
Interior design, CAD drawings, lookbooks, design boards for renovations
How it helped
Danielle Stanley Home
One place for all stakeholder feedback; Ability to track revisions easily; Projects way ahead of schedule


If there was one word to describe Danielle Stanley's experience managing client feedback before Punchlist, it would be “chaotic.”

Without a centralized system, feedback was scattered across text messages, emails, and Pinterest boards, making it nearly impossible to keep track of. Clients were unsure where to share their thoughts, and Danielle was left juggling multiple channels of feedback, leading to miscommunications, delays, and extended timelines.

She needed a solution—a way to streamline the process, consolidate client feedback, and eliminate the confusion. Danielle found that solution in Punchlist, where she could finally replace the chaos with organization, ensure projects stayed on track, and maintain clear communication from start to finish.

The Backstory

Danielle Stanley is the Director of Sales & Design at Renew Properties, where she’s spent the last five years transforming spaces through construction and design.

What started as a side hustle has grown into a full-time passion, with Danielle handling everything from renovations to new builds, including kitchens, bathrooms, and basements.

“Basically, if you flip the house upside down, whatever stays put is what I deal with.”

Her area of expertise includes any type of interior construction material, including tile, lighting, countertops, plumbing fixtures, etc. She works from initial concepts through implementation, aligning every detail of a build with the original plan.

However, she’s got strict timelines and tons of responsibility. On top of running her business, she oversees the majority of her clients’ projects (before passing off to construction), puts together budgets, connects clients with contractors, and manages her team. 

Long story short: she’s in charge of getting projects done and making her clients’ visions become a reality. 

So, with so much on her plate, how does she manage it all?

The Problem

No consistent feedback management process

Before discovering Punchlist, Danielle relied on a mix of text messages, emails, screenshots, and Pinterest boards to manage client feedback and track project progress. This ad-hoc system was inefficient, unorganized, and less than ideal for her team.

- The constant back-and-forth of feedback between Danielle and her clients meant that timelines often stretched. 

- Without one location for all client communication, there was a real risk of not meeting the client’s needs. 

- The lack of a streamlined process prevented her from ordering materials on time for her projects.

Faced with the challenges of juggling multiple tools while having to manage and implement feedback correctly, Danielle and her team were being weighed down.

Understandably, she knew there had to be a better way.

The Solution

Clear, actionable feedback, consolidated in one place

Luckily, Danielle found Punchlist. 

Danielle and her team use Punchlist as a single place to collect and manage all client feedback. 

With Punchlist, there is no more sifting through endless texts and emails for feedback—everything is neatly organized from version to version which she and her team can access at any time. 

The game changer?

The ability to track revision rounds and see all client comments in one place.

- Because the scope of Danielle’s work is based on the number of revisions, she’s used Punchlist’s folder feature to track the number of revisions and version types, staying within budget. 

- Danielle has also benefited from Punchlist’s client consolidation capabilities. Danielle deals with a lot of files: design boards, CAD drawings, lookbooks of a main-level renovation, etc. that sometimes have over 100 slides. Instead of getting an email for every piece of feedback on every slide of her projects, her clients can just point and click to leave feedback all in one place, making it so much easier for her to make revisions.

- Punchlist also allows Danielle and her team members to see the same updates, notifications, and pieces of feedback on a project (unlike email), meaning they can work synchronously or asynchronously to make the changes they’re responsible for. 

Now, Punchlist is Danielle’s go-to tool for keeping her projects on track.

“Punchlist serves as one consistent place to direct your clients and team members. It doesn’t require any buy-in or work on the client side. It streamlines decision-making and helps me get to the building phase much quicker.”

The Results

Project times reduced by 4 to 6 weeks

The results of using Punchlist speak for themselves. Danielle and her team have been able to cut overall project timelines by 4 to 6 weeks!

Since integrating Punchlist into her workflow, Danielle has seen a significant boost in productivity and has been finishing projects way before her deadlines. This not only has improved client satisfaction but it’s also allowed her to take on more projects without sacrificing quality. 

In addition, design collaboration within Danielle’s team has improved. She and her team can receive updates from clients at the same time and make changes synchronously. This is especially beneficial because many of Danielle’s team members don’t have face time with clients. Instead, her team members can collaborate with clients directly, without being CCed on every email or added to every meeting. 

Looking ahead, Danielle plans to expand her use of Punchlist’s online collaboration tool, particularly as she reintroduces soft furnishing packages into her offerings. With the potential for white labeling and outsourcing, she sees Punchlist as a key part of her business's future growth.

Are you interested in using Punchlist to manage your client feedback? Click here to start a 30-day free trial.