Exciting News: Punchlist Has Been Acquired by Marketwake

November 14, 2023

As we step into an exciting new phase at Punchlist, we're thrilled to share that we are now a part of the Marketwake family. This acquisition marks not just a milestone in our journey, but also a leap toward realizing our vision of transforming the way creative work is done.

Pete Bernardo, our founder, had a vision shaped by the challenges he faced in the agency world. "The inspiration for Punchlist was born from my experiences in an agency," Pete recounts. He aimed to craft an ultimate solution for a significant hurdle in creative work: discerning what remains to be accomplished. "From the moment I wrote the first line of code at Switchyards downtown to the platform processing hundreds of thousands of pieces of feedback, our mission has been consistent: to transform the way creative work is done. Joining forces with Marketwake, a forward-thinking agency, will surely enable Punchlist to truly realize its potential."

Punchlist has been at the forefront of design feedback and workflow automation, carving out the clutter of feedback emails and approval meetings. As an official Webflow Marketplace Partner, we're growing in exciting ways, committed to providing a seamless experience for creatives to focus on what they do best: creating.

Sean O'Brien, Managing Partner at Overline, Punchlist's lead investor, recognizes the universal challenges of securing feedback on creative assets. "Punchlist delivers strong customer value by helping teams close the loop on creative feedback, removing friction and errors throughout the process. We have known the Marketwake team since their inception, and we are thrilled to see Punchlist find a home with one of Atlanta’s top agencies," says O'Brien.

The acquisition is more than a transition; it's a reflection of our shared ethos with Marketwake. Their CEO, Brooke MacLean, notes, "Marketwake is built on a passionate pursuit of growth for our clients, to drive change and forge connections. Punchlist's vision aligns perfectly with our goals, improving collaboration and the creative experience for all teams."

About Marketwake

Based in Atlanta, Marketwake is a digital marketing agency committed to strategic growth and excellence. Serving a global clientele, Marketwake is known for its passion for inspiring change and fostering connections in the digital landscape. Visit Marketwake.com for more information or follow us on LinkedIn.

The Future of Punchlist

As Punchlist joins the Marketwake fold, we look forward to expanding our capabilities. The platform has already empowered over 13,000 users from 63 countries, transcending industry lines from legal professionals to developers, becoming an essential tool for any collaborative environment.

Marketwake’s commitment to innovation, quality, and client growth provides the perfect home for Punchlist. Together, we aim to remove barriers in the creative process, enhancing the way feedback is managed and creative collaborations unfold.

Stay tuned as we unveil new, expansive plans for Punchlist under the Marketwake umbrella. We're just getting started, and we invite you to join us on this remarkable journey.

Punchlist exists to revolutionize your business’ processes—explore our product features to learn more and join the future of feedback management today.