Integrations: Asana, Trello, and Jira

July 15, 2020

Gathering feedback on a web project quickly is fantastic, but if getting that feedback means a tedious amount of work to organize it in your project management tool for your team, it can feel counterproductive.

Recently we launched direct integrations with Asana, Trello and Jira. Three of the more common task management systems. Now when creating a project in (PL) you can also integrate one or many task boards that can automatically be updated with feedback as it comes into your PL project. If you prefer a little more control, you can have the integration work manually, and a project manager can go in and push just the issues that really need to make it over.

When an issue gets sent over to the integration, it also comes with a direct link back to the item in the PL project. This also integrates directly with our built-in file uploader, so as files are attached in PL the integration will mention that as well.

If you aren’t using Trello, Asana, or Jira, don’t worry we have more integrations coming shortly. YouTrack is up next with Monday coming on the heels of that.’s goal is to make wrapping up a project fun and painless. Getting those issues into your task management tool of choice needs is key.