File/Photo Upload

May 18, 2020

One of the main goals with Punchlist is to help project managers stay on top of everything they need to get a project done. Keeping track of documents and files is really hard. Then knowing what photo is for a certain section or copy for a particular page adds to the complexity.

Happy to say we now support file upload on all plans. This gives team members and clients the ability to attach files directly to comments. Allowing everyone to know what and where the file is supposed to go.

Being able to upload files from your computer is essential. Still, we know that often these files are large, and on other tools, that is why we not only support uploading directly from your machine but also Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive!

As part of our file uploader, we had included the ability to attach links to an item. This will be helpful to reference other websites, video sites, or even Google docs/sheets that need to be incorporated into your site’s content.

Ultimately we hope this makes clients and teams stay more organized and reduce wasted effort while trying to keep on top of everything else needed to wrap a project up.